
HedgeHog Stories

Our Travels Adventures

National Park “Dvorichanskyi”

June 20, 2018

For a pretty long time we dreamed to visit this national park. Much has been written about the beauty and delight of this place. Many visitors notice the unusualness…

Our Travels Adventures

Travel to Retro Fest in Kamyanets-Podilsky

June 16, 2018

It happened that our trip was not just entertainment and leisure. Our friend (festival director) asked our help for the technical part of the retro rally during Retro Fest….

Our Travels Expeditions

Ride with the princess

May 30, 2018

Once we’ve got a call from our friend, Anton Bondarev и предложил “покатать княжну Галицину по историческим местам”. He suggested to “give a historic places tour to princess Golitsyna”…

JeepLife Articles

The New Tires Test

April 14, 2018

Finally it’s warm enough, and I took the Hedgehog to change her slippers))

Well, isn’t it beautiful?

The road home was full of surprises and unexpected things..
I realised that the MT…


The Fool’s Day Roads

April 13, 2018

Not being patient enough to wait up for the warm days, we gave up to the growing urge and went to observe the next part of our land’s forlorn…

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